Honey has been known to man for a long time. In Indonesia, eating honey is a good habit that made hereditary. But information about how to consume honey that has not been known exactly. Discussion about the honey is still about an old theme, namely honey honey vs fake, it is still dominated by a false myth, whether ants, lighters, newsprint, refrigerator and more.
Drink honey is better done on an empty stomach. Can before a meal, or a few hours after eating. For children, sometimes taking honey before eating will bring a sense of satiety, it makes children reluctant to eat, or food consumed becomes less. If that's the case, give honey to children is a few hours after eating.
Honey contains minerals, vitamins, enzymes, and so forth. The enzymes in the honey will be damaged if the honey is heated at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius and above. What about vitamins? Though the enzyme is a protein that is necessary for the ongoing biochemical processes in the body. One of the features of the original honey enzymes, honey contains an enzyme. So, should not drink honey mixed into a glass of warm water or cold water.
Dg drink honey mixed into a glass of warm water would be better, why? When mixed with warm water, it takes only seven minutes so it can be mixed into the blood circulation. When mixed with cold water? It takes 20 minutes, longer is not it?
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