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5 Suggestions For Having Sex Life Not Bothered Have a baby

Written By Gateng on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 | 2:53 AM

After marriage, husband and wife love life is often changed, in fact rarely changes up to 180 degrees. Most of the reason is because of the kids. Parenting drain a lot of energy and mind, to the extent that couples no longer have time for sex.

"There's no doubt about it. Currently exceeds the number of parents from their children, the birth of her second baby shifting family dynamics as a whole. Ensued balance changes. Couple should be a pillar of the household, not the house that became a giant playroom," says family therapist, Carleton Kendrick as reported by WebMD, Thursday (08/11/2012)

Caring for a newborn is quite bothersome. Usually when a second child was born, the first child was old enough to be somewhat independent and likes to help. However, increasing the number of a baby while young children in the household would be horrible and increase the workload of more than 2-fold.

One study found that the average parent who has had children just had to take the time for 20 minutes a week to do an intimate activity. Therefore, both partners should look at the lack of intimacy as a new opportunity to strengthen the relationship.

"In my experience, sex is actually more fun for couples who already have children, having just finished doing a bit of work," says Kendrick.

Kendrick gives some advice for married love life can re-excited after having a baby, that is:

1. Redefining sex
For couples who have had children, sex is not purely matters of sex. Sex can mean just a gentle kiss in the morning. For the husband, can be stroked hair wife for a few minutes. Thus, couples intimacy will remain intact.

2. Deepen back
Do not talk about the kids all the time. Although it is difficult, but occasionally this theme should be avoided by couples. Try to talk about anything that had often discussed together. Let the conversations youth back to life.

3. Creative thinking
Nanny or babysitter can take children walk around the house. At that time, the couple had enough time to get together. Some couples are creative enough to recall his youth. Making out in the car or going out in the garden for an hour will suffice.

4. Spontaneous
Spontaneous sex is always fun. Steal time at a time when your child is busy playing or napping can deliver a shock within the marital relationship. No need to linger and place it anywhere. The important thing is private and remains in the house.

5. Realistic
Pressure of work and raising children is obviously drain a lot of energy. No need to force yourself to have sex with a partner if you can not afford. Recognize that stress must succumb to the condition of the body is also a positive step that husband and wife can understand each other better.

Want to Lose Weight? Try Breakfast Eggs

Written By Gateng on Friday, October 12, 2012 | 2:49 AM

What breakfast this morning? If you want to lose weight, it does not hurt if you start the day with an egg breakfast.

Most of the reviews on the impact study says eating eggs that eggs contain powerful ingredients that can help reduce the amount of calories. Not just breakfast, your body weight can come down if you eat eggs at lunch and dinner.

Boiled eggs, fried eggs, or scrambled eaten at breakfast makes one full longer than other foods breakfast. Surely this can greatly help those who are desperately trying to avoid the desire to snack crackers, cookies, or chocolate in the afternoon.

In a review published in the journal Network Health Dietitian revealed that eggs contain a special protein. Well protein is sometimes not easy to make a person hungry.

Dietician Dr Carrie Ruxton said there were different results from six studies conducted over the past eight years.

Research shows there is a consistent effect of satiety and short-term energy intake. Two studies showed changes in appetite related gut hormones or hormone that regulates hunger and satiety. Well, those who eat eggs full effect is felt.

In long-term studies, they could prove an egg breakfast to lose weight significantly than those who eat breakfast cereals. Proved that an egg breakfast kehingan pinggnya inches circumference.

"More research is needed, particularly for long-term weight loss. Evidence indicates eggs have a big role in weight management," said Dr. Ruxton was quoted as saying by the Daily Express and Timesofindia, Saturday (11/10/2012).

In a weight-loss diet, there are two other benefits to be gained. First, the control portion. Dr Ruxton said the egg has about 78 calories calories per egg. With out the number of calories per egg then everyone who ate it to recognize how many calories you have consumed.

Second, the egg is one source of vitamin D. It is certainly useful for those who are overweight and at risk of developing diabetes and heart disease.

"There are natural sources of vitamin D in foods, and eggs can also play a role," said Dr Ruxton.

The eggs have an average protein levels high at 6.5 grams. The content has accounted for 13 percent of the daily requirement of adults.

Viewing Mobile Today Screen Wake Up in the Morning Can Reduce Stress

Written By Gateng on Wednesday, October 3, 2012 | 2:47 AM

Exposure to blue light from the screen technology such as computers, laptops or mobile phones are known to interfere with sleep at night. But if you are exposed to blue light in the morning, it can be beneficial both in reducing stress levels throughout the day.

Researchers Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York conducted a study of 18 adolescents who slept only 4.5 hours for 3 consecutive nights. Participants were divided into two groups that will be given two treatments, the first group asked to see the blue light and the other group was asked to see natural light dimmed.

As a result, adolescents who woke up with blue light had higher levels of stress hormones (cortisol), which is almost two times higher than the teens who awoke with a dim natural light.

The hormone cortisol may be known as a bad hormones, such as stress, promote weight loss, and even increase the risk of heart disease. But rising to the top of the hormone cortisol in the morning to reset the body's circadian rhythms.

"It is also likely to be the reason why one should avoid blue light at night, because the production of the hormone melatonin, which regulates sleep may be disturbed by the hormone cortisol and cause a person to stay awake," said Mariana Figueiro, PhD, who led the study, as reported by prevention, Friday (09/11/2012).

Previous research has shown that people with high levels of cortisol in the morning, feel more energized through the day. The surge of cortisol in the morning seems to be warming to the body in order to be ready to face the tensions that will occur throughout the day.

The body takes about 45 minutes to pump cortisol so that you can feel the effect. As soon as you wake up, read the digital newspaper on your laptop, tablet computer, or your smart phone near the window before exercising. Blue light from electronic equipment can make you more ready to spend the day and avoid stress.

5 Sports that makes sex so Fantastic

Written By Gateng on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 | 2:43 AM

Doing Sex can make the body healthy because it has the same benefits as exercise. But how can you enjoy sex is if the activity does not have a healthy body? You know, with the right kind of exercise, sex can become more fun you know.

Here are some lists of exercise you should immediately try to get a spectacular pleasure her in the bed, as reported by the Times of India:

Kegel is an effective therapy for men and women with low libido levels. Kegel exercises train the muscles around the pelvis that contract during orgasm. Not just for women, Kegel exercise is also important to know man. If you practice kegel regularly can help control the muscles that normally contract during ejaculation. Well, if you are the man have been expertly control it, ejaculation can be longer. Asik is not it?

Cardio exercise helps improve blood circulation in the body and help release endorphins in the brain. Both of these can make your sex arousal increases and also feel happy. Try sports such as swimming, running or aerobics.

Bench Press
Broad-shouldered man favored by many women. Besides looks handsome, man who has a strong chest muscles fatigue when having sex with their partner. Not just a guy who benefit this exercise, bench press make breasts look firmer and Women contains. Ulalala ..., let alone a couple, another man was no doubt will be interested to see you.

Squat is not only form the legs and buttocks become more beautiful. But also blood flow to areas of the body that can raise libido. Fitness expert Debbie Mandel, MA, suggesting the correct squat movement, which expanded both feet parallel to the shoulders. Make it a position like you're sitting in a chair. The lower the squat position, the greater the benefits. Perform 15-30 times.

This sport is very beneficial in Sex for Men's activities, especially in the position of 'man on top' Push-ups strengthen the shoulder muscles, arms and stomach. Hey, What woman is not tempted to see the appearance of man with abdominal stomach muscles tight? And do not deny that you are one among.

Having a healthy body, your sex activity can certainly be satisfying.

So, wait no more, wear your gym clothes and ready ... get set ... go!
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